Tamako Market Wiki

Tamako Love Story (たまこラブストーリー) is a light novelization compliant with the film of the same name published by Kyoto Animation. It expands more on the film plot, featuring two original stories.[1]


The light novel is divided into two original stories, one focusing on Tamako Kitashirakawa and Midori Tokiwa's individual feelings over the events in the original film as well as the other on Choi Mocchimazzi's while she finds a bride for the prince.[2]

Its composition collects events and perspectives not originally shown in the film. The second part of the novel takes place after the film.[3]


  1. 南の国からプロローグ (A Prologue From the South Country)
  2. ひと味違うぜ春のもち (A Peculiarly Different Spring Mochi)
  3. たまこラブストーリー△みどり編 (Tamako Love Story △Midori Arc)
  4. たまこラブストーリー○たまこ編 (Tamako Love Story○Tamako Arc)
  5. あの娘と王家と予言の書?(That Girl and a Prophetic Writing)
  6. たまこラブストーリー△みどり編 (Tamako Love Story△Midori Arc)
  7. たまこラブストーリー○たまこ編 (Tamako Love Story○Tamako Arc)
  8. 始まるんだよキミの歌 (The Eighth Episode Begins: Your Song)
  9. Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

